Monday, November 22, 2021

COVID Cuisine: Thanksgiving Edition

Hard to believe yet another year will go by without my annual feast. Seems like all the usual attendees have resumed life back to normal, meanwhile I am still being cautious. Kids back in school and activities, and two are living in dorms at college, plus everyone else is out-and-about doing what-have-you. 

Given how sick I got from the vaccine, and the fact that Delta is a real threat, and the fact I won't be getting my booster until after Thanksgiving, and the fact that the booster doesn't have the Delta strain in it, I'm avoiding crowds. 

So, what to do? I want to make Thanksgiving special, even if it's just me and the Maharajah.

Several weeks back, I tried this technique (but used cubes of lamb and Indian seasonings), and it turned out so well, I've decided to do it again for Thanksgiving, but with cubes of turkey thigh meat, mushrooms, and gravy inside. 

It took me longer than I expected to locate and procure turkey thighs several weeks back. I stashed them in the freezer at work (my freezer is notoriously always at full capacity), and will be taking them home tonight to thaw out and season.

Next up was trying to find an appropriate sized pumpkin, as well as the RIGHT type of pumpkin for stuffing. I'm partial to the Blue Hubbard variety. And once Halloween was over, pumpkins that looked like pumpkins suddenly were scarce. 

Two weeks ago at the weekly farmer's market, I found an unusually tall Kabocha, and that has been sitting at home, waiting for its day of glory. If you're unfamiliar with kabocha, this is generally what they look like; and if you find them at a non-Asian grocer, they are sometimes marketed and labeled as "Sugar Bells." If you scrub the skin scrupulously, nearly every bit of the pumpkin is edible.

Also obtained was an enormous stalk of Brussels sprouts, which have since been dispatched, soaked, cleaned and are in the veggie crisper waiting their turn.

The menu is thus:

Pumpkin stuffed with turkey, 'shrooms, gravy
Buttery Brussels sprouts
Stuffing (Stove Top heavily doctored with shred carrot, slivered shitakes, and minced fresh fennel)
Cranberry relish/mango chutney (highly recommend this combo)
Sugar free pecan pie tartlets

So, the plan is to stuff the pumpkin with the meat from two thighs; and for the remaining two thighs, I'll do "en papillote," where I'll make a big packet of parchment paper, and put sliced gala apple, along with sliced delicata squash, and put the seasoned thighs on top, and bake at the same time as the pumpkin; however, removing about 1 hour, so this will go towards the one thing everyone universally loves about Thanksgiving: Leftovers.

I might also decide to make a loaf of my mother's rye bread, or make it into fancy rolls. If I actually make it, I might share the recipe herein. 

I remember all the weeks of my parents planning and squirreling away food for the day. Always making use of free turkeys grocery stores would give away after spending XYZ amount of money. Cleaning and organizing the house, and all the anticipation. 

In 2017 when we were emptying mom's house once she decided to stay at Shady Pines, I grabbed all the folding chairs which only came out for Thanksgiving and Xmas parties.

I also remember all the anxiety too. I'm remembering a house full of family, as fucked up as they all were, and for one day there was good food and laughter. There was always someone who showed up empty handed, and another who'd always bring a fruit basket that always featured pomegranates. First course was always an Italian dish, stuffed shells or lasagne, and the table always had two different stuffings: American, and an Italian one my grandfather would make. And then a crazy amount of desserts and pies.

This will be the 13th Thanksgiving without dad, and the 2nd Thanksgiving without mom. And I am especially blue about that. I'm feeling homesick deeply these days.

Perhaps I'm also blue because this is the second year I have not held Thanksgiving in my home, surrounded by my "family of choice." I'm just feeling particularly isolated and abandoned this year. All those folding chairs are staying put in storage, yet another year.

I made a prediction to a friend about my sister, which so far has come 50% true: She is hosting my brother and his new gf for Thanksgiving this year (this is the 50% true). 


I predict that come next year my sister won't come to my Thanksgiving. 


I will be put in a position to invite my brother ("The Destroyer of Every Toilet He Ever Met"). OR he will show up and destroy my toilet, OR he will show up and embarrass me in front of our friends and M's family. Or he won't bother coming at all because it's too damned far. 

Why do I torture myself thinking of all these scenarios?

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