Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Raint Day Meatloaf...

Rainy Day Meatloaf

1 pound ground beef (lean)
Bread crumbs – from 1/2 a cup to 1 cup…depends, but a bitch likes more rather than less crumbs in my mix.
1 egg
1/4 cup milk (a bitch uses 1% organic milk, because my ass ADORES it)
1 cup Chunky salsa…trust a bitch (mild, medium or hot depends on you)
A smidge of onion salt (unsure of a smidge…go with a pinch)
A smidge of garlic salt

Mix with hands (roll up your sleeves, dive the hell in and work out some stress!!).

Pause and review...add more bread crumbs if it looks overly liquidish. Mixture should be moldable not pourable. Toss into pan and mold to fit…umm, well your notion of a loaf.

Put into oven pre-heated to 375 and bake for 1 hour.

Top with more salsa and serve with mashed ‘taters.

Prepare to enjoy a party in your mouth!

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