Sunday, September 02, 2018

RIP Kenny

End of an era. Kenny Shopsin has passed away.

A big part of the appeal of going to Shopsins was having the opportunity to possibly schmooze with Mr. Shopsin. 

Many people incorrectly say he was rude or rough around the edges; however, every thing the man did, he did MINDFULLY. His house rules. His menu with 700+ items on it. Everything. Mindfully done. 

Eventually Shopsins will move from its location at the old Essex Street Market across Delancey Street to a new location (where the old Olympia Diner used to stand). The food might be just as good as Kenny prepared, and his kids are characters in their own right; however, there will only ever be ONE Kenny. 

He will be sorely missed. 
I found this entry regarding the menu at Shopsins. It's about ten years old, but new to me. And it makes me miss going to Shopsins all the more.  Sharing a tight crop of one of the menus, to save for posterity (mind you, the menus were always in full color, and double sided on legal size paper, and not a bit of white space in it. It was glorious to behold and try to decide in advance of a trip to Shopsins what I wanted to eat on any given visit). RIP Kenny.

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