Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Obscenely Good, Obscenely Easy Beef Rib (Pressure Cooker)

Note: The pressure cooker I have is an electric Nesco brand. It's awesome. Some of the instructions you might have to fiddle with if you're using a regular PC on the stove.


2-2.5 lb beef ribs, separated
1 pouch dry onion soup mix (I used store brand, nothing fancy)
6 dry, pitted prunes
2 cups Cabernet (or any dry red wine will do)

1.  In a zip lock bag, marinate the ribs in the wine and soup mix. I let mine sit for about an hour.

2. In a pressure cooker, dump everything in. Seal it and cook it on high pressure for 18 minutes. Leave lid on and let de-pressurize on its own.

3. Take lid off, and take out ribs. Turn on browning setting, so the liquid will come back up to a boil and start reducing. Mash the prunes until they are totally eviscerated. 

4. Add black pepper to taste, and your thickener of choice (I use about 1/8th tsp of xanthan gum powder I add directly to the boiling liquid and stir until dissolved).

Can be enjoyed immediately; however, the ribs improve when sitting in a "confit" of its own gravy overnight in the fridge.

I would assume this would work awesome for pot roast too; however, the cooking time would vary.

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