Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Rhapsody in Rye: Photo Array of Failure, Trial & Error

As I neglected to share the photos of the SECOND failed sourdough rye experiment before shifting my focus to a sourdough oat, I figure I might as well do a photographic timeline of sorts from the second failed loaf, to the oat, and finally to my first ever babka.

Here are before/after photos of the second batch of sourdough rye, the recipe of which I linked to a few posts back. In hindsight I didn't get a sufficient rise--likewise with the first batch of the sourdough oat. Anyway. Before and after photos:

The first loaf of failure, using this recipe:
The second loaf full of fail: 
See that crack? I was hoping to see some happy bubbles in the crumb.
So not only did the dough not achieve a sufficient rise after 
18 hours at room temp, I also managed to remove
it from the oven, prematurely (which was really
disappointing, as the aroma was amazing--I put
Montreal Steak Seasoning on top for an 
"Everything Bagel" kind of effect).
Sadly, I did not photograph the process of the first loaf of the Sourdough Oat. 

This next loaf of dough is the second attempt at the sourdough oat using this recipe. Yesterday I was home, and I got it in my head to try to make another loaf, and this time, I was destined for success.

As I was tooling about my kitchen cooking and cleaning, while my eggs were doing their 2 minute low pressure cook, I got this brilliant idea to use my Nesco as a proofing box. 

The moment I retrieved my eggs, I kept the trivet in there, and placed my loaf pan on the trivet, replaced the cover and hoped for the best. After roughly three hours, this is what the result was:

 Sweet, poofy proofing! SUCCESS!!

I baked it according to the recipe. Turned off the heat and let it sit in the oven
an additional five minutes just to be sure the interior was done. 
I removed it from the oven, and bolted out the door to an appointment.
(I think next week's loaf, I'll spritz the oven with water to get some nice steam.)
The big reveal! Look at that interior!
(Note: See the bite mark? I couldn't wait!)
Since I failed to photograph the first loaf (full of failure),
I figure the next best thing is a side by side comparison 
of the cross section.
Loaf on left, full of success, poof and a bit of flax meal;
Loaf on right, full of failure, sunflower seeds and chia.

I figured it would slice best while fresh, so I sliced it up,
keeping the heels for myself (the best part!), and putting
it in the fridge for the husband's breakfasts this week.

Now about that babka...
I mixed up the dough on Sunday, and let it rest overnight as
this recipe indicates.

Being this was my first ever babka I've made on my own,
I think it's a goodish result.
I think next time, more butter, perhaps streusel topping,
I'll let it proof a bit before baking, and I've been watching all
manner of videos on youtube regarding decorative twisting.
The one on the left I like the flavor best, as it's full of Speculoos
Cookie Butter from Trader Joes; the one on the right is chocolate coconut.

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